Growing up in LA
Soto Family Photos

In the backyard on Orchard Avenue.
Like a lot of households in L.A. we had a few fruit trees in the yard. That's an apple tree on the left and a lemon tree on the right. We also had an orange tree, a fig tree, a guyava tree, and a chirimoya tree.
In those days going to Disneyland was a major effort. Here we are on a birthday trip. Driving to Disneyland you got to see a whole lot of orange trees. Maybe they should change the name of the county to Concrete County now.
That's the smaller of the two swimming pools we had growing up. The pools were a source of recreation for a lot of the neighborhood kids as well as relaxation for the family.
Here's the larger pool and the next generation. The first of many grand- children goes for a swim with her daddy. For those of you too young to remember, that's a clothesline (solar/wind powered clothes dryer) holding up the towels.
This page was last updated on: November 15, 2004